Tuberculosis (TB) has long been stigmatized, leading to social isolation,
discrimination, and mental health challenges for affected individuals. The
intersection of TB stigma and mental health is complex, with stigma hindering
treatment outcomes and exacerbating mental health issues. Efforts to address
stigma and mental health must be integrated into TB care, focusing on
education, community support, integrated healthcare, and responsible media
engagement. By adopting a holistic approach, we can create a supportive
environment that promotes understanding, reduces stigma, and enhances the
overall well-being of individuals affected by TB.
Over the years, Tuberculosis has been at the forefront of infectious diseases
that have caused enormous suffering to humanity. Morbidity and mortality both
led to societal stigma from the disease.
Tuberculosis (TB) and mental health are two distinct domains often
overshadowed by stigma in society. Here, we explore the intersection of the
stigma associated with TB and its impact on mental health, highlighting the
need for a holistic approach to address the challenges faced by individuals
grappling with both.

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